The Chinese JBL device, continued.

Looks like the real deal, probably still a fake.

I promised to make a few more pictures of this fake JBL. I say fake somewhat hesitantly, because it’s quality is extremely good. And with that I am referring to the shell and its finishing. The logo has not been glued on straight but hey, what can you expect.

Oontz, oontz, oontz. But not really.

Sound quality is something I can’t really judge. I had the impression that the JBL speakers were bass monsters, but this one doesn’t really seem to have a good oompf. I do not have an original speaker to compare it with, unfortunately.

Another interesting thing is the labeling of the device, manual and the box. On the bottom of the device, you can read “XERTMT”:


The box, on the other hand, reads XTEMRE:


While the name on the manual is EXTEME:


Quite literally the only time they had it right. So what’s going on here, because if you copy a box, simply copy a box! And don’t make additional typos like “rtable Wireless Speaker”.

So is this a fake or this this a rejected batch of a production once ordered by JBL? I know from an old friend that you have to check every thing that comes out of a Chinese factory so you can be sure your customer gets what he or she pays for. But it’s a fake. Of course. 馃槈

It also comes with two matching cables, one aux and one usb.

And a carrying strap!

So did I score a JBL for 19 euro? I have no idea, because I cannot open the product without damaging it I think. No, I’ll post the pictures of the inside soon.


9 thoughts on “The Chinese JBL device, continued.”

  1. Hola, hoy me compre esto mismo y la verdad ni sabia que existia una marca original , me di cuenta buscando por internet por los precios y viendo videos con las explicaciones ya que en a caja no sale ni como funciona ni nada y ahi es donde me doy cuenta qu eel folleto dice XERTMT2 y la caja XTREME2 . Y ahora te pregunto. Me titilan las luces en blanco hasta que conecto algo y queda encendida pero no titila. El sonido es bueno o malo comparandolo con el original ? Se puede poner mas grave ? as agudo ? el sonido no est谩 mal pero fue una decepcion enterarme que es una copia china. Te cuento el cable de sonido directo no me funciona o sea envio audio directo por el cable y no lo toma, Parlante no se como funciona, tiene ? La caja dice que si. Y no se me ocurre meterlo en el agua porque me imagino que seria como tirarlo a la basura. Enfin, me gustaria al menos saber si este parlante valio la pena o es una porqueria…. aproposito, cuanto te dura la bateria ? la estoy cargando desde hace dos horas y lleva dos puntos….

    1. 隆Hola Jos茅!
      S铆, esta es una copia casi exacta de la JBL Extreme que se vende por casi 250 d贸lares en lugar de s贸lo 20.
      隆Pero el altavoz es muy utilizable! Aseg煤rate de tener un cargador adecuado y un cable de carga. Utiliza un cargador de bater铆a que suministre m谩s de 1A y usa un cable que pueda manejar esto. Una vez que la bater铆a est茅 llena y no pongas el volumen del altavoz al 100%, 隆durar谩 sorprendentemente muchas horas! La 煤ltima vez dur贸 alrededor de 20 horas a bajo volumen.
      La calidad del sonido no es tan buena como la del original, ya que la versi贸n china s贸lo tiene dos altavoces y la original tiene 4. Y la original tiene altavoces de mayor calidad. Pero si necesitas algunos ruidos ambientales o simplemente necesitas un altavoz barato para llevar contigo, el chino es una opci贸n ideal.
      El altavoz no es impermeable. Por favor, no lo pongas en el agua 馃槈
      驴Ya has conseguido emparejarlo?

  2. Hi
    I have lost the manual for mine and cannot remember how to use the aux in, can you help ?

    1. I am not sure if I still have the manual, but you should be able to use the 3,5mm jack that is hidden below the zipper. (I should check if there is one, but IIRC, there is.)

  3. Si pongo m煤sica desde una USB, 驴es posible tocarlas de manera aleatoria? 驴Puedo hacer un ‘bucle’ para que vuelva a empezar cuando termine de tocar todas las canciones de manera autom谩tica?

  4. I am super late, but this is NOT an authentic JBL. I know you probably already know that it’s fake, but I would know since I own one myself. On the box mine said (XertMT portable BT speaker), so there are definitely a looot more variants than I expected, for you, you have gotten the poorly spelled “XTREME” one. The only reason it had no bass, is because it is not air-tight. It is possible to seal it and MAKE it air-tight, but you have to find the holes first. (Make sure the holes are not important hoes (E.G. holes that are there to make sure everything snaps together properly), if important ones are covered it won’t function or go back together normally.) If you had a real JBL Xtreme, if you pushed one of the passive radiators on the sides, the passive on the other side would move. If you do it with this one, the other passive will not move. The passives on the fake JBL Xtreme are made of rubber and plastic, with a shiny sticker on it, while the real JBL Xtreme has metal passives with NO stickers. And notice how it just says “!J”? That’s another indicator that it’s a fake. JBL would not have done that for an official column. The sounds it makes when it starts up, shuts down, and connects are also a thing to check too. The fake ones have stolen JBL sounds (but super low quality) and have some added sound effects too. And the fake also has a radio, which is NOT present on the real deal, since it’s a Bluetooth speaker. Not a radio. (And no, I do NOT know how to change the channels on the radio mode on the fake JBL). And for the real XTREME, it comes with a very large black circular adapter, not a short orange microUSB charger. Even though this is a fake, it is possible to upgrade, but it takes a bit of time. The only reason why it doesn’t connect to the app, is because as you already know, it has a completely different board than the real thing. Resulting in its functionality being different. And finally, it is significantly smaller than a real JBL Xtreme. Its size is around the size of a JBL charge 4. (I would know as I put them side by side) and its quite light too.

    Like I said already, fake JBL’s can be very fun if you upgrade them, but that is your choice, not mine. If you read all the way down here, thank you for taking the time to read. Have a great day!

    1. Hi and thank you for your comment! Yeah, I knew from the beginning that it was a fake and was mainly curious how they built it. I still use it as a (bad) bluetooth speaker, because it has a loooong battery lifetime which is not bad for a fake product xD

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