Installing FFMPEG on a Windows system

Had to do this, so I make a note of it.

  1. Download the latest ffmpeg build:
  2. Buy this dude a coffee:
  3. Unpack your downloaded software
  4. Create a folder in your root, like C:\ffmpeg
  5. Move the three folders BIN, DOCS, PRESETS into the ffmpeg folder
  6. Open CMD with admin rights
  7. Paste the following into the command terminal and hit enter:
    setx /m PATH "C:\ffmpeg\bin;%PATH%"
  8. Type “ffmpeg” in the terminal and you should see a reply from the software.
  9. Done.


WireGuard – Allow Local Network

the logo of a VPN app named WireGuard, depicting a white dragon against a red background

And by Local Network, I mean here on my workstation, not at the peer or VPN docker/server/provider.

I am not very knowledgeable with VPNs but I got to learn something new and when I do, I make a note of it. The problem was that when I have my VPN active to poke things at home, I could not print documents at my workstation at work.

Googled a lot, trid a few things and then realised that adding IP addresses to AllowedIPs in the PEER section, adds an exception for an IP address on the server’s side, NOT my workstation.

“Ooooh, what does this checkmark do?”

Confusingly enough, WireGuard names things differently between the Windows and the iOS app. So here’s what you need to check to gain access to your workstation’s local network:

  1. Open the WireGuard control panel.
  2. Click once on the vpn you want to change
  3. Click the EDIT button on the bottom right
  4. iOS: UN-Tick the box on the bottom left that says: “Exclude private IPs”, then click SAVE
    Windows: UN-Tick the box on the bottom left that says: “Block untunneled traffic (kill-switch)”, then click SAVE

Yes ,this poses a security risc, so I made two VPN profiles. One with and one without so I can easily switch from one to the other.


Oven temperatures

I found a printout of a website that of course does not exist any more unfortunately. Luckily, there is #send_them_money

So, here’s some oven temperature conversion data. It covers conversion from Celcius to Silly and if your oven is old and has only settings, then I have a list for that as well.

Celcius ->
<- Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit ->
<- Celcius
0 32 32 0
25 77 50 10
50 122 100 38
75 167 150 65
100 212 200 93
125 257 250 121
150 302 300 149
175 347 350 177
200 392 400 204
225 437 450 232
250 482 500 260
275 527 550 288
300 572 600 315
Electric oven
10 settings
Temp Gas oven
8 settings
Temp Gas oven
10 settings
1 50°C 1 140°C 1 140°C
2 – 3 100°C 2 160°C 2 155°C
3 – 4 125°C 3 180°C 3 170°C
4 – 5 150°C 4 200°C 4 185°C
5 – 6 175°C 5 220°C 5 200°C
6 – 7 200°C 6 240°C 6 215°C
7 – 8 225°C 7 260°C 7 230°C
8 – 9 250°C 8 280°C 8 245°C
9 – 10 275°C 9 260°C
10 275°C
Convection oven
8 settings
Temp Convection oven
10 settings
1 125°C 1 40°C
2 140°C 2 – 3 85°C
3 155°C 3 – 4 105°C
4 170°C 4 – 5 130°C
5 185°C 5 – 6 150°C
6 205°C 6 – 7 170°C
7 225°C 7 – 8 190°C
8 240°C 8 – 9 215°C
9 – 10 235°C
WARMTE AANDUIDING (Old dutch ovens, can’t reliably translate this)
Temperatuur Oven Aanduiding
lauw 100-125°C
lauw warm 125-150°C
matig warm 150-175°C
warm 175-200°C
zeer warm 200-225°C
matig heet 225-250°C
heet 250-275°C
zeer heet 275-300°C

