Installing FFMPEG on a Windows system

Had to do this, so I make a note of it.

  1. Download the latest ffmpeg build:
  2. Buy this dude a coffee:
  3. Unpack your downloaded software
  4. Create a folder in your root, like C:\ffmpeg
  5. Move the three folders BIN, DOCS, PRESETS into the ffmpeg folder
  6. Open CMD with admin rights
  7. Paste the following into the command terminal and hit enter:
    setx /m PATH "C:\ffmpeg\bin;%PATH%"
  8. Type “ffmpeg” in the terminal and you should see a reply from the software.
  9. Done.


Fixing a M4A file with a corrupted header

an icon in black and white with the text M4A

I found in my notes from 2017 a method to fix the header of a M4A file. Appartently I needed this back then to repair a file, and then forgot about the note. So here ya go:

ffmpeg -f aac -analyzeduration 100M -probesize 100M -i broken.m4a -c copy fixed.m4a
