Side-project: I’ll just build my own dashcam.

While I am trying to repair the Koonlung K1S Dashcam, I am going to build my own dashcam. Sure, I can buy one and pay a ridiculous amount of money for a half-way decent one, but I paid € 230 for the K1S which I assumed did not turn out to be trash.

And so, I am going to build one myself and learn from it in the process. The project was first going to be a pwnagotchi, but I think building a dashcam is more useful. For now @_@

While I am waiting for the auxiliary battery, I will have to start with soldering the 40-pin header onto the board. And if you wonder why I didn;t buy one with a header soldered on it already, my answer is: “I had no idea that this was an option!!1 D: ”

A box of parts that will become a dashcam at some point. There is a raspberri Pi Zero board, a E-Inkt screen, a clock timer, a camera and some wiring
The box of stuff!


Upgrading the firmware of the Zyxel VMG8324-B10A

WARNING. As explained on the “About” page that this is a blog based on my notes, whether they fail or not. So proceed at your own risk.

My Zyxel router currently has firmware version 1.00(AAKL.14)C0 and since Zyxel is a good boye, they keep their devices up to date. Like all manufacturers should do IMO.

  1. Aquire all the firmware files that are available by going to
  2. Remove the files that are older than your current firmware, in my case v.14
  4. Apply ALL updates one by one. Do not skip versions.

Good luck.
