Apache2 permissions “hack”

(Errors are fixed ^^)

It’s not stupid if [the last part] works, right? Right?

1. We need a new group: website
2. We need a user: frank
3. Simple website where everything is put into /var/www/html/

sudo addgroup website
sudo adduser frank website
sudo adduser frank www-data

Let’s see if Frank belongs to the right groups:

groups frank

The result should look something like

frank : frank cdrom floppy sudo audio dip website www-data video plugdev netdev

Let’s change some ownerships, directory first.

sudo chown -vR :website /var/www/html/

Now set the permissions right.

sudo chmod -vR g+w /var/www/html/

You should do a test now by doing the following:

cd /var/www/html/
echo "My server bring all the boys to the yard" > index.html

If you get an error, enter the following:

newgrp - website

This is, in my experience not permanent though, so if you keep having issues, just yeet it into the bash.bashrc file, at the bottom:

sudo nano /etc/bash.bashrc

add at the bottom:

if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]] ; then
newgrp - www-data



Client didn’t pay? Make their website go away.

Something I need to test still, but adding it here for later use, maybe. If you find a bug, please let me know! And I’m halfways sure that the author shown in this link does  it less complicated, but it’s fun to learn and play around with code. https://github.com/kleampa/not-paid

GOAL: Let the website fade away, one step per day.

Define the initial opacity as 1 (fully opaque).

    body {
        opacity: 1; /* Initial opacity */
        transition: opacity 1s ease; /* Smooth transition */

Modify the function to decrement the opacity by a step (e.g., 0.1).

    function decreaseOpacity() {
        let body = document.body;
        let currentOpacity = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(body).opacity);
        if (currentOpacity > 0) {
            body.style.opacity = (currentOpacity - 0.1).toFixed(1);

Adjust the local storage logic accordingly.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        let storedOpacity = localStorage.getItem('bodyOpacity');
        if (storedOpacity) {
            document.body.style.opacity = storedOpacity;
        } else {
            localStorage.setItem('bodyOpacity', '1');

    function decreaseOpacity() {
        let body = document.body;
        let currentOpacity = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(body).opacity);
        if (currentOpacity > 0) {
            let newOpacity = (currentOpacity - 0.1).toFixed(1);
            body.style.opacity = newOpacity;
            localStorage.setItem('bodyOpacity', newOpacity);

Modify the date-checking logic to call the decreaseOpacity function.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        let storedOpacity = localStorage.getItem('bodyOpacity');
        let lastIncrementDate = localStorage.getItem('lastIncrementDate');
        let today = new Date().toDateString();

        if (storedOpacity) {
            document.body.style.opacity = storedOpacity;
        } else {
            localStorage.setItem('bodyOpacity', '1');
            localStorage.setItem('lastIncrementDate', today);

        if (lastIncrementDate !== today) {
            localStorage.setItem('lastIncrementDate', today);

    function decreaseOpacity() {
        let body = document.body;
        let currentOpacity = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(body).opacity);
        if (currentOpacity > 0) {
            let newOpacity = (currentOpacity - 0.1).toFixed(1);
            body.style.opacity = newOpacity;
            localStorage.setItem('bodyOpacity', newOpacity);

Here is how the complete HTML file might look for the fading away effect:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Decrease Opacity</title>
        body {
            opacity: 1; /* Initial opacity */
            transition: opacity 1s ease; /* Smooth transition */
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
            let storedOpacity = localStorage.getItem('bodyOpacity');
            let lastIncrementDate = localStorage.getItem('lastIncrementDate');
            let today = new Date().toDateString();

            if (storedOpacity) {
                document.body.style.opacity = storedOpacity;
            } else {
                localStorage.setItem('bodyOpacity', '1');
                localStorage.setItem('lastIncrementDate', today);

            if (lastIncrementDate !== today) {
                localStorage.setItem('lastIncrementDate', today);

        function decreaseOpacity() {
            let body = document.body;
            let currentOpacity = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(body).opacity);
            if (currentOpacity > 0) {
                let newOpacity = (currentOpacity - 0.1).toFixed(1);
                body.style.opacity = newOpacity;
                localStorage.setItem('bodyOpacity', newOpacity);

So with this setup, the opacity of the body tag will start at 1 (fully opaque) and decrease by 0.1 each day until it reaches 0 (fully transparent). The localStorage ensures that the opacity persists across browser sessions and days.

Have you tried it? Let me know!
