Oven temperatures

I found a printout of a website that of course does not exist any more unfortunately. Luckily, there is archive.org. #send_them_money

So, here’s some oven temperature conversion data. It covers conversion from Celcius to Silly and if your oven is old and has only settings, then I have a list for that as well.

Celcius ->
<- Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit ->
<- Celcius
0 32 32 0
25 77 50 10
50 122 100 38
75 167 150 65
100 212 200 93
125 257 250 121
150 302 300 149
175 347 350 177
200 392 400 204
225 437 450 232
250 482 500 260
275 527 550 288
300 572 600 315
Electric oven
10 settings
Temp Gas oven
8 settings
Temp Gas oven
10 settings
1 50°C 1 140°C 1 140°C
2 – 3 100°C 2 160°C 2 155°C
3 – 4 125°C 3 180°C 3 170°C
4 – 5 150°C 4 200°C 4 185°C
5 – 6 175°C 5 220°C 5 200°C
6 – 7 200°C 6 240°C 6 215°C
7 – 8 225°C 7 260°C 7 230°C
8 – 9 250°C 8 280°C 8 245°C
9 – 10 275°C 9 260°C
10 275°C
Convection oven
8 settings
Temp Convection oven
10 settings
1 125°C 1 40°C
2 140°C 2 – 3 85°C
3 155°C 3 – 4 105°C
4 170°C 4 – 5 130°C
5 185°C 5 – 6 150°C
6 205°C 6 – 7 170°C
7 225°C 7 – 8 190°C
8 240°C 8 – 9 215°C
9 – 10 235°C
WARMTE AANDUIDING (Old dutch ovens, can’t reliably translate this)
Temperatuur Oven Aanduiding
lauw 100-125°C
lauw warm 125-150°C
matig warm 150-175°C
warm 175-200°C
zeer warm 200-225°C
matig heet 225-250°C
heet 250-275°C
zeer heet 275-300°C



Make your own Togarashi power (and Aioli)

the top view or a kitchen mortar, looking directly at the ground spices.
It’s hard work, I can tell you that.

I’ve used the Aioli for a pokebowl, matches really well with Sashimi Tuna.
You need besides a mortar and a jar the following ingredients:

  1. 3 tsp szechuan pepper
  2. 3 tsp chili flakes
  3. 3 tsp dried orange peel
  4. 2 tsp ginger powder
  5. 2 tsp sesame seed
  6. 2 tsp poppy seed
  7. ½ sheet of Nori

Grind the heck out of everything until everything looks evenly ground and the result should be medium coarse, if that’s any way of indicating it.

a close-up of the togarashi powder, the end product of a many spices ground together

Now put everything in a jar for later use.

The sauce:

  1. 1 cup of good mayo (will make a recipe for that as well, both the fast and slow version)
  2. 2 tsp smoked paprika powder
  3. 1 tsp sesame oil
  4. 1 tbsp soy sauce
  5. 1 tsp lemon juice
  6. 1 tbsp Togarashi powder

Mix everything together so there is an even consistency and let it rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours before use.

the top view of a recently made pokebowl with tuna, sugar snaps, paprika, lemon and cucumber.
See the orange-y blobs? That’s the sauce.



Chimken Skewer Marinade

Who likes chimken? I do!

  1. 500 gram of chimken thigh
  2. ¼ tsp Salt
  3. ¼ tsp Pepper
  4. ½ tsp Garlic finely chopped, grated is better
  5. ½ tsp Ginger grated
  6. 1 tbsp finely chopped onion
  7. 2 tbsp Rice vinegar
  8. 2 tbsp Brown sugar or brown sugar syrup
  9. 1 tbsp Sesame oil (not sesame flavoured oil, pls)
  10. 4 tbsp proper soy sauce
  11. 2 tbsp Chilly sauce spicy
  12. 2 tbsp Ketchup
  13. a good splash of wustershershireshur sauce

If i remember correctly, I also used lemon juice. Add it if you like it.

  • Chop de chimken in small pieces. Look at the street vendors; they do not have large chunks of chimken on their skewers.
  • Put the pieces in a bowl and add the marinade and mix well.
  • Put the bowl in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  • Stick the pieces on the skewers, about 50 gram of meat each.
  • Grill on a fiercely hot coal grill until ready.



Noodle pork á la Fox

  • 2 Pork Chops
  • Mirin
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Beef bouillon
  • 1 liter of water
  • Handful of corn kernels
  • Handful of chopped spring onions
  • Long cooking noodles
  • Rice cooker
  1. Chop the meat chops in smaller bits and fry them in a splash of olive oil, a thumb thickness of butter, a splash of mirin and a few drops of sesame oil. Season with pepper and salt.
  2. Fill the rice cooker bowl with a liter of water and the other ingredients. When the meat is done, add that too including the grease.
  3. Start rice cooker
  4. Done when the rice cooker is done (20 minutes)


Simple pizza recipe!

  1. 200 gram of flour
  2. 100 ml of lukewarm water
  3. 2 teaspoons of sugar
  4. bit of salt
  5. half a block of yeast (so 21 gram)
  6. salami
  7. mushrooms
  8. cheese
  9. 1 onion
  10. 2 cloves of garlic
  11. italian herbs
  12. strained tomatoes
  13. wine

Step 1.

Pour yourself a mug of wine. Don’t be silly by taking a fancy glass. Pour it in a mug. Have a sip of wine.

Add the sugar to the lukewarm water and then crumble the fresh yeast into the water as well. Give it a good stir and make sure all the yeast is dissolved. Now let it rest for 5 minutes.

Step 2.

Pour 200 gram of flour in a bowl and add the glass of yeast water. Then, mix it all together and knead it all into a ball. Next sprinkle some flour onto the kitchen counter or table. Knead the ball of dough for another 5 minutes firmly on the table and when it becomes too sticky, add A LITTLE flour.

Ball of dough

Step 3.

Now, let the dough rise for 15 minutes at room temperature. Let it grow! Have a good sip of wine in the meanwhile.

Step 4.

Flatten the dough out a little and then start rolling it into a circle or square. This depends on your tray or dish you will put your pizza on. Make it really thin! Don’t bother about those bready pizzas. Make a proper one or leave.

If you have dough left after making a thin sheet, put it in cellowrap and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.

Make it thin, dammit.

Step 5.

Apply plenty flour to your baking tray or dish. Next, drape the dough over it. Then cut off the excess and add that to the rest you may have already wrapped in the cellowrap.


Step 6.

Have a sip of wine. Add tomato sauce and spread it out with a spoon. Make sure you cover the dough plentifully. Next, add the italian herbs at an amount you feel comfortable with. Add some salt on top of it all.


Step 7.

Chop up the onion and garlic to small bits and sprinkle it evenly over the tomato layer.

Size of onion and cloves of garlic
Oh look at that!

Step 8.

Slice the mushrooms in thin-ish slices. If you want thicc slices, go for it, baby. Next spread them evenly over the tomato sauce and don’t show the audience that you have a light form of OCD. OCD OCD OCD OCD.


Step 9.

Next, add slices of salami to the layer. I have cut it in stripes, because I felt like it.  Also, it creates less of a lava slide later on when you bite into a huge slice.

Slices of salami

Step 10.


Say cheese!!

Step 11.

Slide the pizza in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes. When the 20 minutes are over, check on the pizza. It usually can take another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, drink more wine!

