Mastodon: Manual backups

This is an updated version (02-02-2024)

This manual is a transcript of the way that I have made a backup of my Mastodon instance. Please make sure you are careful and use your brain while following this manual.

Preparing the backup folder

  1. Log in as root
  2. cd /home/mastodon
  3. mkdir backups
  4. cd backups

Making the backups

  1. Database (three steps)
    su - mastodon
    cd /home/mastodon/backups
    pg_dump -U mastodon mastodon_production -F t > DATE_FILENAME.tar
    Example: pg_dump -U mastodon mastodon_production -F t > 2024-02-02-mastodon_production.tar
  2. Settings file (one step)
    cp /home/mastodon/live/.env.production /home/mastodon/backups/DATE_.env.production
    Example: cp /home/mastodon/live/.env.production /home/mastodon/backups/2024-02-02-.env.production
  3. Redis (two steps)
    cp /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb /home/mastodon/backups/DATE_dump.rdb
    Example: cp /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb /home/mastodon/backups/2024-02-02-REDIS-dump.rdb

You can now check your backups folder to see if all three files are present. This is also a good moment to copy the backup files to another, safe, location.

If you wish to backup your assets like images and stuff (User-uploaded files), backup the folder named “public/system”. Keep in mind that this folder can be rather large. Actually, it can become rather massive.


Mastodon: “There are pending database migrations. Please run them to ensure the application behaves as expected”

“There are pending database migrations. Please run them to ensure the application behaves as expected” or “Niet alle databasemigraties zijn voltooid. Je moet deze uitvoeren om er voor te zorgen dat de applicatie blijft werken zoals het hoort” can be solved with the following command, executed as user mastodon:

su - mastodon
cd live
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails db:migrate

results in:
