Adding SSH keys to Github

For Debian 9 (and MacOS)

  1. Check for old keys
    1. cd ~/.ssh
    2. ls id_*
  2. Backup old keys
    1. mkdir keys_backup
    2. cp id_* keys_backup
  3. Generate a new key
    1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
    2. don’t use a passphrase
  4. Go to the key directory
    1. cd ~/.ssh
  5. Download the public key
  6. Open the key in Notepad++ (or similar)
  7. Log in at
  8. Click on the right side on your profile picture
  9. Click on Settings
  10. Click on SSH and GPG Keys
  11. Click on New SSH Key
  12. Create a new name for the key
  13. Paste the contents of the public key into the Key field
  14. Click on Add SSH Key

