Something spoopy was going on in my database. All was working fine, but it kept spewing out the following error:
Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted
So this was fixed by going into the database terminal and entering:
mysql_upgrade -u root -p
Make sure you have the root/privileged password ready. Depending on how many databases you have and how large they are; it can take a bit of time. Have patience.
The INIT line is in case you set up this docker for the first time. If you already have entered the INIT command, I don;t think you have to do it again.
Open the UNraid Terminal
cd /data
Enter (Optional, see previous note)
archivebox init
docker exec -it --user archivebox archivebox bash
archivebox manage createsuperuser
Credits to “emiliobool” for their comment on April 25, 2021 @
Since unraid forum is throwing a hissyfit with its captcha thing, I’ll just post it on my own website.
root@<containername>:/data# archivebox manage createsuperuser
[i] [2021-11-11 14:29:07] ArchiveBox v0.6.2: archivebox manage createsuperuser
> /data
[i] ArchiveBox should never be run as root!
For more information, see the security overview documentation:
If you do not know the name of your docker, open the console panel of the archivebox docker and search in the url for “container=”. The number behind that is the name of your docker.