I usually do not fear updates, but when it comes to databases, I am getting really careful with updating them. It wouldn’t be the first time when a database goes plonk after this.
So what happened? My MySQL docker got updated becuase I simply misclicked and of course, the thing broke. The update script, which was set to “latest”, performed an upgrade to 9.x instead of sticking to the latest 8.x version.
After some research, I read that one can enter “mysql:8.2.0” in the repository field. After entering this and starting the docker, the software got reinstalled with the proper version and everything worked again. I must’ve been lucky that the database itself was not migrated to v9 already, I guess.
So a new release came out and it is important to get this update as soon as possible! This manual is a transcript of the way that I have updated my Mastodon instance. Please make sure you make proper backups and use your brain while updating things.
A guide to making a Mastodon backup can be found here.
Linux flavour: Debian
Update from: 4.2.xx
Log into your server
su - mastodon
cd /home/mastodon/live
git fetch --tags
git checkout [type the most recent version here, starting with the letter v. For example; v4.2.5
git checkout v4.2.10
If you get a ruby version error, please see bottom of this article for a fix! bundle install
yarn install
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails db:migrate
#NOTE: You might get a ruby error which then suggests you to enter the command "bundle install". Do that and then run the RAILS command again.
My system was unable to find the required v3.2.3 of Ruby and I have fixed this by doing the following steps:
Please make sure that your path is correct.
git -C ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build pull
rbenv install 3.2.3
*WAIT TILL DONE* (it may take a little while)
To check all the installed versions type:
rbenv versions
To set v3.2.3 as the global version, type:
rbenv global 3.2.3
To double-check the active, installed version, type:
rbenv versions
This manual is a transcript of the way that I have updated my Mastodon instance. Please make sure you make proper backups and use your brain while updating things.
WARNING. As explained on the “About” page that this is a blog based on my notes, whether they fail or not. So proceed at your own risk.
My Zyxel router currently has firmware version 1.00(AAKL.14)C0 and since Zyxel is a good boye, they keep their devices up to date. Like all manufacturers should do IMO.
Aquire all the firmware files that are available by going to ftp://ftp.zyxel.com/VMG8324-B10A/
Remove the files that are older than your current firmware, in my case v.14
Apply ALL updates one by one. Do not skip versions.
If you updated to the latest version and the following error appears when you try to launch Themler please follow the instruction below:
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '[...]/administrator/includes/toolbar.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php7.2') in [...]/templates/[theme_name]/app/index.php on line 25
Open theme folder on the server: www/Joomla_directory/templates;
open /app folder;
open index.php for editing in any html or text editor;
find the line require_once JPATH_BASE . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'toolbar.php';
and replace it with the following line: $prefix = version_compare(JVERSION, '3.9', '>=') ? 'sub' : '';
require_once JPATH_BASE . DS . 'includes' . DS . $prefix . 'toolbar.php';;
open /app/start folder;
open data.php file for editing and follow step 4;
open manifest.php file for editing and follow step 4;
I am trying to connect the official app to it and it cannot detect the speaker. Assuming that the software is written correctly, I think that the inside of this speaker differs from the original. Oh well!